
Sakari integration setup

Learn how to connect Invelo to Sakari

Sakari integration overview

Sakari is a business text messaging service that allows businesses to send SMS reminders, alerts, confirmations and marketing campaigns. Invelo's Sakari integration currently allows for sending SMS to one contact at a time.


Sakari currently has a V1 and V2 (Beta version) available for users. 

The following set up is for Sakari's V2 version. V1 instructions are at the bottom of this article. 


Install the Sakari integration

  • In your Invelo account, click the Profile icon in the top navigation bar. Under System Settings, select Integrations.

  • Click Add Integration and then select Sakari.

  • Enter your Account ID, Client ID, and Client Secret that are located on the API section of your Sakari's Account Settings. These are alphanumeric strings of digits.

    Please note that the Client Secret is a one time key and once used for a connection, will go hidden. You will have to refresh the key which will break your current connection. If your connection is broken with Invelo, you will have to delete the current integration and follow the set up process again.

  • Click Connect with Sakari.


We suggest using Sakari's support resources if you need help with navigating their app.
