Understanding Invelo's Marketing Terms

Mastering the marketing language of Invelo

Navigating the world of real estate investing can be complex, and understanding the terminology used by platforms like Invelo is crucial for investors to make informed decisions. This guide aims to demystify Invelo's marketing terms, providing clear and concise definitions to empower you with the knowledge needed to confidently navigate the platform and achieve your investment goals.

Automatic funding:
Giving the system the permission to pull fund from your card on file in the event that you do not have enough in your wallet to fund your marketing batch or sequence once the marketing campaign is active.

Available Records: The records that can be used in your marketing campaign because they are not stuck in a marketing delay or another campaign.

Batch: A batch is a group of objects that are added to a marketing campaign or workflow based on a minimum and maximum threshold. 

Batch Delay: A batch delay allows so many objects to pass through a workflow or marketing campaign at once, effectively “batching”.  Batch delays are based on a specific amount of time in days and/or weeks. 

Campaign Automations: Campaign automations give users the ability to have mailers sent out in batches, and create a single-use or continuous campaign.

Campaign Details: The section of the Confirmation stage where you will be able to review the details of your marketing campaign.

Confirmation: The stage after Sequences where you will be able to review your campaign details and submit your campaign.

Continuous campaign: A campaign that allows new records that match the audience filter to be added as their own batch to the campaign. Users can also opt for records that already went through the campaign to go through it again. This type of campaign can only be stopped if the users stops it manually.

Custom Sequence: Used by users to track marketing efforts performed outside of Invelo.

Delay Days: A user-defined number of days a record is held outside of any marketing campaign.

Design: The section of a marketing sequence where you can edit how you want the sequence/mailer to look.

Direct Mail: A type of marketing product we have at Invelo. These are postcards and letters.

Drafts: A section where marketing campaigns can be saved when the user is not ready to publish them.

Email Sequence: An email sequence in real estate marketing is a pre-planned series of emails sent to a specific group of recipients over a defined period. The goal of an email sequence is to nurture leads, build relationships, and ultimately convert prospects into clients.

Estimated Cost: The cost determined by the system for your marketing sequence/batch depending on the type of sequence you choose and the subscription plan that you are on.

Lead Marketing: Marketing type in Invelo when users just market to Leads.

Marketing Audience: The group of prospects or leads that you want to market to. These are created using filters.

Marketing Profile: The section where users enter information that is used on their marketing pieces in Invelo.

Personal Letters: A type of direct mail product in Invelo. Personal letters in real estate marketing are highly customized, often handwritten communications designed to forge a deeper connection with potential clients or customers. Unlike professional letters that maintain a formal tone, personal letters aim to create a more intimate and authentic relationship.

Postcards: A type of direct mail product in Invelo. Postcards are a popular and effective direct mail marketing tool in the real estate industry. These small, rectangular cards are designed to grab attention and deliver a concise message quickly.

Presets: Presets are marketing campaign templates for users.

Professional Letters: A type of direct mail product in Invelo. Professional letters in real estate marketing are personalized, written communications sent to potential clients or customers. These letters aim to build relationships, generate interest, and ultimately convert leads into clients.

Proof: Representation of what your marketing piece will look like.

Proof Approval: The section where users can confirm that they want to go ahead with the marketing piece.

Proof Preview: A look at the marketing piece before users approve it. Proof review is the final stage of the editing process before a document, publication, or other piece of content is finalized. It involves a meticulous examination of the text for errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting. The goal is to ensure the highest possible quality and accuracy before the content is released to the public.

Prospect Marketing: This is a marketing type in Invelo when users just market to the properties in the prospects stage.

Real Penned Letters: A type of direct mail product in Invelo. Real penned letters in real estate marketing refer to handwritten letters sent to potential clients or customers. Unlike digitally printed or pre-printed letters, real penned letters are physically written by hand using a pen and paper.

Remove Duplicate Property Owners: A feature that allows users to remove any additional properties a property owner may have in a marketing audience and only market to one property. This is done to prevent over saturating potential sellers with duplicate marketing materials. 

Ringless Voicemail (RVM): A type of marketing sequence where short voice messages are left on the recipients phone number.

Send Date: The date on which the marketing piece will be sent out.

Sequence: The section of a marketing campaign creation where you get to add your marketing products. These are Direct Mail, Email, Ringless Voicemail, and Custom.

Sequence Name: This is the name that you give to your sequence. This is user-defined and will only be seen by you on the backend.

Single Use Campaign: A campaign that is canceled after all the sequences are completed.

Street View Postcards: A type of postcard that contains a google street view of the property on it.

Submit Campaign: The final step to set a campaign as active.

Templates: Preset design and wording of a marketing piece that can be edited by a user.

Total Marketing Audience: The number of records in your marketing audience that will be included in your marketing campaign.

Total Estimated Cost: A full cost for the campaign determined by the type of marketing products you selected and the subscription plan you are on.

Total in-app estimate cost: The full cost of the marketing campaign based on the in-app pieces that are a part of the campaign.

Touchpoint: A touchpoint is any intersection a prospect, lead, customer or user has with a business. Touchpoints are usually: calls, voicemails, emails, text messages (SMS), direct mail, or in-person interactions.

Type (Marketing Type): Marketing Types are categories which encompass the various marketing strategies available within the platform to help you connect with potential investors and grow your real estate business. Invelo offers two primary marketing types: Prospect Marketing and Lead Marketing. 

Unavailable Records: Records that are not able to be used in your current marketing campaign because they are duplicates, in another campaign, or in a marketing delay.

Wallet: Section of Invelo where users can add a payment method and add funds to conduct in-app purchases.