Use Invelo's integration with Aircall

Aircall is the cloud-based call center and phone system of choice for modern businesses. A voice platform that integrates seamlessly with Invelo. Aircall was built to make phone systems easy to manage – accessible, transparent, and collaborative.

Log calls

Eliminate manual data entry by automatically logging all inbound and outbound calls, as well as missed calls, voicemails, and if enabled within your Aircall account, call recordings.

To access call logs, open a Property record and click the Communication tab on the right side.

Log call activity

All calling activity is saved in the Property's activity log for full transparency.

Caller insights

When placing a call to a phone number that exists in your Invelo account, you will have access to the contact's name, mailing address, and property address from within the Aircall application. Once the call starts, click on the Caller Insights tab at the bottom of the Aircall application to display the contact's information.

Power dialer

The Aircall Power Dialer allows you to save time on outbound calls, without any interruptions. Learn more about the Aircall Power Dialer.


Aircall integration set up

Place a call with Aircall