Different Stages in Invelo

Invelo has four different stages for property records: prospects, leads, deals, and removed

Invelo offers a streamlined approach to organizing property records by categorizing them into four distinct stages: prospects, leads, deals, and removed. Each stage represents a crucial step in the property management process, helping users efficiently track and manage their properties from initial interest to final disposition. Understanding these stages can significantly enhance your ability to make informed decisions and maximize your investment opportunities.


These are property owners you haven't interacted with yet but you are interested in purchasing their property.


These are property owners who showed interest in selling their property to you or property owners whom you have already interacted with.


These are property owners that have already sold or agreed to sell, and you're taking them now to the deal process.


This stage is unique to Invelo. This stage houses all records you don't want to work with. If a property record is on the Do Not Contact list, you might want to push it to the removed stage. 

Invelo also pushes property records to the removed stage If they were recently sold within the last four months. This automation is only available for Invelo's paid plan users.

  • For Starter plan users, this happens every month.
  • For Growth and Professional plan users, that happens daily.

Change the stage for records 

Manage your lead and deal pipelines