Import types

Import properties only or properties and owners into Invelo with a CSV file

There are three import types when uploading files into Invelo, Properties Only, Contacts Only or Properties & Contacts. The option you select will depend on the data in your file or the information you would like to import into Invelo.


Properties Only

A Properties Only import is used to import the property address of a list of records into your Invelo database.

  • This import type is useful when you have property addresses only, outdated lists, or are unsure of the quality of data gathered before import.

  • Invelo will automatically retrieve updated property characteristics, sale history, and owner name and mailing address for each record.

  • Required fields for a Properties Only import are:
    • Property Address (Property Address, Property City, Property State ​OR Property Address, Property State, Property Zip)
  • A green check will appear in the Required Fields section after you upload your file if this criteria is met:

    Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 1.13.54 PM

The fields available to map during a Properties Only import are:

  • Property Address

  • Property City

  • Property State

  • Property Zip

  • Stage

  • Status

  • Lists

  • Tags (only available in paid plans) 

  • Custom Fields (only available in Growth and Professional plans)

Contacts Only

A Contacts Only import is used to import a list of contacts into your Invelo database. 

  • This import type is useful when you have the owners' contact information only. 
  • Invelo will automatically populate the owner's name and mailing address. 
  • Required fields for a Contacts Only import are:
    • Owner name (first name OR last name OR full name OR company name)
    • Owner contact information (mailing address, mailing city, mailing state OR mailing address, mailing state, mailing zip OR phone number OR email address) 
  • A green check will appear in the Required Fields section after you upload your file if the contact criteria is met:
    Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 12.48.50 PM
  • The fields available to map during a Properties Only import are: 
    • Full Name
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Middle Name
    • Suffix
    • Company Name
    • Mailing Address
    • Mailing City
    • Mailing State
    • Mailing Zip
    • Mailing Status
    • Phone 
    • Phone Type
    • Phone Status
    • Email Address 
    • Email Address Status

Properties & Contacts

A Properties & Owners import is used to import the property address and owner information for a list of records.

  • This import type is useful when transitioning from another CRM to Invelo, updating existing records, or importing a list from a 3rd party source.

  • Invelo will still automatically retrieve updated property characteristics, sale history, and owner name and mailing address for each record.

  • Required fields for a Properties & Owners import are:
    • Property Address (Property Address, Property City, Property State OR Property Address, Property State, Property Zip)
    • Owner name (first OR last OR full name OR company name)
    • ​Owner contact info (mailing address OR phone number OR email address)
  • A green check will appear in the Required Fields section after you upload your file if the property and owner criteria is met:

    Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 1.15.25 PM*Notice that Full Name and Company Name are in red because those fields are not mapped in this example, but the green check is visible because the required fields for this import type are met.

The fields available to map during a Properties & Owners import are:

  • Property Address

  • Property City

  • Property State

  • Property Zip

  • Stage

  • Status

  • Lists

  • Tags

  • Full Name

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Middle Name

  • Suffix

  • Mailing Address

  • Mailing City

  • Mailing State

  • Mailing Zip

  • Mailing Status

  • Phone 1

  • Phone 1 Type

  • Phone 1 Status

  • Phone 2

  • Phone 2 Type

  • Phone 2 Status

  • Phone 3

  • Phone 3 Type

  • Phone 3 Status

  • Phone 4

  • Phone 4 Type

  • Phone 4 Status

  • Phone 5

  • Phone 5 Type

  • Phone 5 Status

  • Email Address 1

  • Email Address 1 Status

  • Email Address 2

  • Email Address 2 Status

  • Email Address 3

  • Email Address 3 Status

  • Custom Fields


You should always prepare your file before import. Invelo only allows .CSV files with a maximum file size of 20MB and no more than 50K records.


Prepare your file for import

View import FAQs