
Using Invelo's integration with smrtPhone

Learn how to use smrtPhone in your Invelo CRM

smrtPhone is an all-in-one phone system that allows businesses to make calls, send more texts, and ultimately close more deals. Invelo has partnered with smrtPhone to offer users an integrated calling and texting tool within their Invelo accounts, enabling smoother and more streamlined communication to potential sellers and contacts. 

Access requirements 

You must be on Invelo's Growth or Professional plan to access the smrtPhone integration. To install and setup smrtPhone in your Invelo account, follow the detailed instructions here

Understanding smrtPhone integration features

When integrating smrtPhone with Invelo, there are a few important things to note:

  1. Account Mapping: A smrtPhone account can be mapped to an Invelo account. You can map multiple Invelo users and smrtPhone users. 
  2. Contact Sync: Contacts automatically sync between Invelo and smrtPhone. If you add or delete contacts in either platform, the changes will reflect in both. However, only contacts with phone numbers are included in the sync, which can result in different contact totals. You can manually resync your contacts anytime after the initial setup from the smrtPhone dashboard.
  3. CRM Integration: When viewing a contact in smrtPhone, clicking “View in CRM” will redirect you back to the contact record in Invelo.
  4. Browser Compatibility: The smrtPhone integration works best with Google Chrome, as you will be able to easily make calls with the smrtPhone Dialer Chrome extension. 
  5. Source Tracking: Contact sources are always tracked in Invelo. If contacts are created in smrtPhone, the source in Invelo will be identified as smrtPhone. Other contact sources include Invelo, Skip Tracing, and User Defined. 
  6. SMS message delay: There is a 2-minute delay between sending and receiving SMS messages.
  7. Opt-Out handling: If a contact opts out of messaging, you'll receive an error notification.
  8. Messaging and calling: Users can send and receive both messages and calls from smrtPhone and Invelo, making communication seamless across both platforms.

Using the smrtPhone integration

To make use of the smrtPhone integration, make sure that you have finished setting up the integration and mapping the smrtPhone account to your Invelo account. Ensure that your microphone is enabled to use the calling feature. With smrtPhone integrated to your Invelo account, you can do the following: 
  • Make calls and send text messages directly from Invelo.
  • Manage your SMS marketing campaigns within the platform.
  • Track and monitor the performance of your calls and SMS.

This integration streamlines communication, making it easy to manage leads and campaigns efficiently.

smrtPhone Dialer Chrome Extension

For the best experience, all users should install the smrtPhone Dialer Chrome extension. With the extension, you can easily find, call, and send text messages to individuals, and all activity will still be captured in both Invelo and smrtPhone. You can download the smrtPhone Dialer Chrome extension here

Notes and tags 

Notes and tags in the Invelo smrtPhone integration are available for users, helping gain better insights on their data. 

Call prioritization

If you have both Aircall and smrtPhone installed, calls will automatically prioritize the smrtPhone Chrome dialer. If the dialer is not installed, click-to-call functionality will use your default calling method (e.g., FaceTime Audio on IOS systems).

Call History

Invelo automatically tracks and logs all call history for every integration, including smrtPhone. If you previously installed the Aircall integration, any calls logged before July 2024 will not be available in your call history or activity tracking. 


If a user encounters a technical issue with smrtPhone, both smrtPhone and Invelo recommend starting with the smrtPhone support chat. While our team is happy to receive feedback about the smrtPhone integration with Invelo, it's equally important for smrtPhone to hear directly from users. This helps them better understand and address any issues with their product. 

And as always, please reach out to Invelo's support team if you have any questions at 

smrtPhone integration setup