Create custom tags

How to create tags in Invelo

You can add or edit the tags on a record at any time—from the moment it is uploaded until the deal is closed. Tags help you organize and locate records that fit specific criteria.

Here are some examples of how you can use tags:

Create a tag

You can create a tag using any of these methods:

  • Method 1: Create a tag through Settings

  • Method 2: Add tag through adding records via csv file upload or manual add

  • Method 3: Add a tag to a new record during import via List Builder

  • Method 4: Add a tag to an existing record via inside of a record's Tags section

Method 1: Create a tag through settings

  1. Click your profile icon in the top right, then click Settings.

    Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 12.42.56 PM
  2. Click the Tags tab. Then Create Tag


  3. Enter a name for the tag, then click Save.


Method 2: Add tag through Adding records via csv file upload or manual add

  1. Before you upload your list, ensure that you have a clean file that only has the necessary information you need to upload a file (ex. Full Name or First and Last Name, Property address, city, state, zip and Mailing address, city, state, and zip)


    To add multiple tags to a given record, use a comma to separate each tag name. (i.e., "County Records, Pulled 7/5/22")

  2. Locate your Tags field and select Tags from the dropdown list.

  3. Complete the Import


Method 3: Add a tag to a new record via List Builder

  1. Follow the steps to add or import a record. When you come to the Add Tags section, enter a name for your new tag and click Create New Tag.


Method 4: Add a tag to an existing record

  1. Click any record to open it, then go to the Tags section on the upper right part of your screen. Enter a name for the new tag and click Create New Tag or Select existing Tags.
    Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 1.25.21 PM